
Dr. Jaime Aparicio working with a runner in the houston area

Physical Therapy

This is physical therapy done differently.

Your treatment will be tailored to you as the runner and will be designed to support your specific training and race prep needs.

What your physical therapy experience will include:

  • Individualized care — you will not be passed off to an assistant and/or told to “go do your exercises”. Every treatment session is used for continued assessment and treatment progression

  • A comprehensive assessment that will go over your goals (for both inside and outside of running), running-specific testing, and a full running and exercise history so that we have a full picture of you as a running athlete.

  • A specific plan that will consider your training and daily life so you can get back to running injury free, avoid future injuries, train without fear of needing to decrease miles or step back from racing because of aches and pains, get your next PR, and run for life.

Strength and Conditioning and cross training treatment for runners

Strength & Conditioning

In order to run well you must run strong. Strength and conditioning is the best way to unlock your true running potential and achieve those running goals you’ve set your sights on.

Strength and conditioning services include customized strength programs based on performance testing and tailored to the runner’s current racing schedule and prior history of injuries.

Dry needling treatment in Houston TX for injury recovery

Dry Needling

Dry needling is a specific and targeted treatment that will help you recover faster, alleviate aches and pains, and assist with getting you back to running after injury.

It is a safe and effective method using a small filament needle to address muscular pain, nerve pain, and a number of mobility issues.

Dry needling is typically used in conjunction with other movement-based treatments for best results.

Injury recovery for runners in houston tx

Recovery Care

Work hard. Recover harder. Your running performance is only as good as your recovery. Recovery care can serve as a nice little tune-up to help with those darn little niggles that tend to pop up or help prevent them from ever showing up in the first place.

Recovery services include:

  • Dry needling

  • Spinal manipulation

  • Instrumented soft tissue techniques (IASTM)/scraping

  • Manual therapy techniques

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not at all! Texas is considered a "direct access" state, which means that patients have the right to seek and receive physical therapy treatment from a licensed physical therapist without a physician's referral or prescription. However, some insurance companies may require a referral for coverage purposes.

  • My clinic is considered an out-of-network provider and I will not bill your insurance. There are many restrictions and limitations when working with insurance companies, and oftentimes it can complicate the care and treatment you need. My business model allows me to maximize your appointment time to provide you with accessible and individualized care.

  • It depends on your insurance policy. Some policies may offer partial or full reimbursement for out-of-network services, while others may not cover the services at all. If you would like to submit for reimbursement, my clinic will be more than happy to provide you with the necessary Superbill upon your request.

  • Yes, both HSAs and FSAs can be used to pay for eligible medical expenses, including cash-based physical therapy. However, it is best to check with your plan administrator to confirm eligibility.

  • Absolutely! Although I have special expertise working with runners and other outdoor athletes, you definitely do not need to be a runner to receive treatment. I am a highly trained physical therapist with experience in a wide variety of orthopedic conditions and would be more than happy to help anyone interested in physical therapy, rehabilitation and strength training.